Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Teen Added to Heart Transplant List After Hospital's Change of Heart, Family Says/Operation Confidence 

The family of Anthony Stokes, the 15-year-old boy who was denied a place on the heart transplant waiting list because of "non-compliance," now say doctors at a George hospital have changed their minds.
Anthony has an enlarged heart and has been given six months to live, but Anthony's family said doctors told them that they wouldn't put him on the transplant list because of his history of "non-compliance." This typically means a patient hasn't shown that he can follow medical directions, such as taking his medicine or showing up to follow-up appointments.
"I know he will comply with all the rules," a crying Melencia Hamilton, Anthony's mother, told ABC News earlier today, before she said she learned that doctors had reversed their decision would put Anthony on the transplant list. "He will take his medicine because he knows that is how he has to live."
Operation Confidence hearts goes out to Anthony and his family 

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