Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lamar Odom Missing For 3 Days: Family Worried He's Abusing Drugs

Lamar Odom Missing For 3 Days: Family Worried He's Abusing Drugs

 Lamar Odom has been missing for three days.

 Khloe Kardashian's husband vanished suddenly and his family believes he may be on a drug binge. Allegedly, no one has been able to contact him for nearly 72 hours.

 Odom, 33, has been facing a drug problem for two years. Reportedly, he went to a rehab facility in San Diego last August, but left after three weeks. The site also reports that Odom stayed clean once he left treatment and was able to play well for the Los Angeles Clippers this past season. But once the season was over, insiders say he slipped back into using "hardcore recreational drugs."

Sources tell that within the last few days Odom's family tried to stage an intervention, but he wouldn't have it.
On Wednesday, Kardashian, 29, allegedly kicked him out of the house and he hasn't been seen since.

Reporting that Kardashian has been struggling to help Odom for a long time.
"It's a really hard time for Khloe," "She's kept this secret for almost two years trying to save Lamar and their marriage."
"Lamar genuinely doesn't think he has a problem -– it's all 'work hard then party hard' with him until it goes off the rails," another insider adds. "They really do love each other. But she really feels that this problem is out of control, and she's hurt that he won't get help."

Kardashian took to Twitter today (Aug. 25) to seemingly share her thoughts on the situation: 

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