Sunday, August 25, 2013

School photo that caused outrage when disabled boy, seven, was left off to side. Retaken photo with him seated next to classmates/Operation Confidence

School photo that caused outrage when disabled boy, seven, was left off to side. 
Retaken photo with him seated next to classmates/Operation Confidence 

Fighting Discrimination: In the photo above is this sweet little boy Miles Ambridge and his mom Anne. She was left perplexed by the school photographers decision to leave her son out to the side of the original class photo.

Photo Above:

Shows Miles, who was never shown the original photo by his parents, is beaming as usual, his smile shining as brightly as his stripey coloured sweater. The seven-year-old boy has a genetic disease called spinal muscular atrophy, which weakens his muscles and requires him to use a wheelchair.

 In the original photo above the second-grader clearly wants to be included and can be seen straining his body to be closer to the group.

Miles’ father Don Ambridge, saw the photo first and was appalled and demanded that Herbert Spencer Elementary School to have the company retake the picture. 'I couldn't comprehend how the photographer could look through the lens and think that the picture was good composition. ... it just boggled the mind,' said mom Anne Belanger.

'Being picked on and being set aside is horrendous and this was what was happening

Mrs Belanger calls the new photo 'gorgeous' as her son is taken out of his wheelchair and given pride of place on the front row, right next to his classroom assistant.
When he saw the new photo, he was delighted. 'Oh, mommy! This is so nice,' he said.

According to the Today Show, Ambridges’ parents were pleased with the way the Canadian elementary school handled the situation. They felt the school went out of its way to make things right.

Operation Confidence is proud of Mr. & Mrs. Belanger for not allowing the insensitive/ uncaring photographers. This is the same type of discrimination we have fought for over 30 years.

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