Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Barack Obama Endorses Cory Booker In New Jersey Senate Race/Operation Confidence

Barack Obama Endorses Cory Booker In New Jersey Senate Race/Operation Confidence


President Barack Obama waded into New Jersey's special U.S. Senate election Wednesday, delivering a formal endorsement for Democratic nominee Cory Booker.

Obama praised Booker's efforts as Newark mayor and said that he "has dedicated his life to the work of building hope and opportunity in communities where too little of either existed." In a statement released by Booker's campaign, the president said that Booker has been building coalitions and helping the middle class since his college days at Stanford University.

Booker is leading the Republican nominee, Steve Lonegan, by 16 percentage points in a recent poll.
Obama specifically praised the Democratic nominee as someone who will work with him on gun control issues.

"His passion for his city has helped create new jobs and attract some of America's top businesses to Newark," Obama said. "Cory will be an important partner in our efforts to reduce gun violence, give every American a fair shot in a global economy, and make our country stronger."

The endorsement comes a week after Booker and Lonegan easily captured their respective party nominations for the Oct. 16 special election, which has been called to fill the seat left open by the June death of Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D).

Lonegan, a tea party favorite, has picked up his own string of endorsements this week, with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) and Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno (R) backing him on Tuesday. He is scheduled to be endorsed by short-term U.S. Sen. Jeff Chiesa (R), Christie's appointee to fill the seat until October, on Wednesday. Lonegan, the former mayor of Bogota, N.J., spent the last seven years heading the New Jersey chapter of Americans for Prosperity, the Koch brothers-affiliated group. He has made opposition to Obamacare a core part of his platform.

Operation Confidence says congratulations to Democratic nominee Cory Booker. 

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