Monday, July 29, 2013

Sen. Dianne Feinstein said San Diego Mayor Bob Filner should resign:/Operation Confidence 

California Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein said the city's mayor lacked a 'moral compass' regarding his sexual harassment allegations and called for him to step down. Meanwhile, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a fellow Californian, weighed in, blasting the 'reprehensible' sex lives of 'clueless' male politicians, specifically New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner.

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Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) called for San Diego Mayor Bob Filner to resign for lacking a "moral compass" in light of his sexual harassment allegations — as New Yorkers grow weary of Anthony Weiner's digital sexcapades.

"It's a very tough job and I don't think that somebody who is lacking a moral compass really sets a role model or really will provide the kind of leadership that San Diegans want," Feinstein said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday morning.

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Operation Confidence has great fondness and respect for Senator Dianne Feinstein. Not only is she a outstanding senator representing California but she has also supported the efforts of Operation Confidence and our mission to empower people with disabilities.

In 2010, I, Consuella Mackey, Executive Director of Operation Confidence received an invitation from Senator Feinstein to attend the reception celebration that confirmed The Honorable André Birotte, Jr. as U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California. The event took place at the Inter Continental Hotel Grand Chateau on the Avenue of the Stars in Los Angeles, CA.

Senator Feinstein, your truly and City Controller Wendy Greuel
In 2004, Senator Feinstein commended Operation Confidence for its years of service changing lives of thousands of individuals with disabilities.  


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